Saturday, December 28, 2019

Importance Of Being Earnest Essay - 1037 Words

Theatre Studies: Cat One Draft The Importance of Being Earnest is set in late Victorian England, a time of social reform. Society was rediscovering art in its many forms yet as a consequence, The Upper class continued their program of suppressed inferiority. The lower classes were treated with disdain and disgust and the animosity between the groups was easily visible. Essentially, the late Victorian era was the beginning of a mini cultural renaissance, yet Upper Class society, which forms the basis of the play was rigidly controlled by a set of unwritten rules, a code of conduct as it may, in which all were expected to conform with. This code referred to a number of things, including the way they ate, dressed, and spoke. The 19th†¦show more content†¦This satirical view is closely bound to the atmosphere of the time. The play itself deals itself with a typical Comedy of Manners storyline, the trivial social standards, love affairs and the aim of gaining the most money with the least effort. These subject matters are transfixed into a witty dialogue of which is usually a focal point of Comedy of Manners material. The play criticizes and upholds the Upper classes ideals at the same time. Oscar Wilde’s satirical view of the Upper class is a paradox in itself as he was part of it. The Importance of Being Earnest also supports elements of the well-made play. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Original productions of The Importance of Being Earnest were staged in conventional theatres in the confines of the Proscenium Arch. The actors performed in a fourth wall style, where essential the Actor/Audience is non existent, and the actors play only to themselves, as if there is a wall between them and the audience. The Importance of Being Earnest used the ideas of realism and thrust them upon the stage. Ultra realistic props were used to create a world in which nothing seems out of place. Scenery was so intricately painted that the world seems unbelievably real. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Importance of Being Earnest has often being criticized for its emphasis on language, even to the stage where it could best be presented with minimal or no actor movement whatsoever.Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Being Earnest759 Words   |  4 PagesThe Importance doesn’t Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde is a satire, comedy play of the Victorian Age. The Importance of Being Earnest follows two main characters, Earnest and Algernon, who live double lives. During his play Wilde makes fun of some of the standards and the way of life during that time. One of the common traits of the time was deception. Wilde’s play has a common occurrence of deception through the play’s plot line, trivial lies, and a character’s point of view on deception. Wilde’sRead MoreThe Importance of Being Earnest800 Words   |  4 PagesOscar Wilde, the writer of The Importance of Being Earnest, celebrated the Victorian Era society while criticizing it in his play. Through his play, he utilized the humorous literary techniques of pun, irony, and satire to comment on the impact of Victorian Era society left on the characters themselves. These comedic literary devices also help to show how the members of this society in the Victorian Era live by a set of unspoken rules that determine politeness, as well as proper etiquette to liveRead MoreThe Importance of Being Earnest Essay1439 Words   |  6 PagesA Trivial Comedy for Serious People Oscar Wilde mocked his audience while he entertained them. Perhaps his most loved and well-known work, The Importance of Being Earnest, satirises the manners and affections of the upper-class Victorian society. Satire is a literary tone used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness, usually with the intent of changing or correcting the subject of the satirical attack. The play focuses on the elite, while making fun of the ludicrousness and extremityRead MoreThe Importance of Being Earnest Essay866 Words   |  4 Pagesabsurd beliefs. Like many satirical plays, The Importance of Being Earnest is deliberately preposterous in nature so as to better ridicule Edwardian social life and cherished ideals. The Importance of Being Earnest is a stinging indictment of upper class British society of the time. The ingenious play mocks the concepts of aristocracy and love in Edwardian society, and addresses the notion of treating all important matters of life with genuine and earnest tr iviality. 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Throughout the play, Wilde uses a mix of social drama, melodrama and farce to appeal to the audience. Through his gentle use of parody Wilde is able to ridicule his co ntemporaries and attack the values and attitudes of Victorian societyRead MoreThe Importance of Being Earnest Essay1237 Words   |  5 PagesAThe Importance of Being Earnest a play written by Oscar Wilde is set in England in the late Victorian era. Wilde uses obvious situational and dramatic irony within the play to satirize his time period. According to Roger Sale in Being Ernest the title has a double meaning to it and is certainly another example of satire used by Wilde. With a comedic approach, Wilde ridicules the absurdities of the character’s courtship rituals, their false faces, and their secrets. (Sale, 478) In theRead More Not Being Earnest in The Importance of Being Earnest Essay examples858 Words   |  4 PagesNot Being Earnestnbsp;innbsp;The Importance of Being Earnest nbsp;While some critics contend that The Importance of Being Earnest is completely fanciful and has no relation to the real world, others maintain that Oscar Wildes trivial comedy for serious people does make significant comments about social class and the institution of marriage.nbsp; These observations include the prevalent utilization of deceit in everyday affairs.nbsp; Indeed the characters and plot of the play appear to beRead MoreThe Importance Of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde1364 Words   |  6 PagesIn order to fully understand the meaning of â€Å"The Importance of Being Earnest† and its importance in its time, one must look at Oscar Wilde’s background in relation to the Victorian time period. states that Wilde had a very social life, growing up among influential Victorians and intellectuals of the time. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Media Communication A Reflection On Media And...

I set out to complete 80-hours at the New South Wales Rugby League to earn valuable experience in my chosen field of media and communications, but came out the other side with much more. On one side, I completed my goals of bettering my writing skills, writing media releases, a basic learning to manage the media, improving my communication skills and working in a media environment, but I never thought my learning experience would go so far beyond these intended objectives. Examples of this including dressing properly for certain situations, office etiquette, and not taking smaller events for granted; things I learned through the experience of my mistakes. While I feel I did a good job during my time at NSWRL, there are plenty of mistakes†¦show more content†¦I stuck with John at various media opportunities while he did his best to adhere to the need of journalists, as they required access to whoever was up for media on that particular day. John made it look simple, but when I was thrown in the deep end, I did not find it as easy. I went on a camp with the Intrust Super Premiership NSW Residents side, which admittedly does not attract the same amount of media attention that John deals with on a day-to-day basis. My name was put on as the media contact, and every so often, journalists would ring me requesting interviews from certain players or wanting to capture vision and interviews on camera at training. While the players and coaching staff were always incredibly nice and accepted the requests whenever I asked, I felt, and still feel awkward. I hope my confidence will grow as time goes on, because it was hard for me to break down my personal barrier of being liked by the players, which I look back on and cringe, as I was there to do a job, not to make friends. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cyber Security And The Internet Security Essay Example For Students

Cyber Security And The Internet Security Essay Businesses and people are using Internet for entertainment, e-business and e-commerce, social networking, and communication to the people and business, but there have always been threats to the Internet Security. Internet security is major concern in field of technology, because there are various personal, business and government data on the Internet. Today every businesses and organizations have their own security systems to reach their goals of information security. Internet security systems are created to reduce cyber attack risks, reliability, maintain confidentiality, and compliance with privacy laws and national security laws. However security standard that has been made, and laws brought by government are not more enough to protect Internet Security, so more advanced security and more strict law by government should be brought in action to protect Internet Security. There are different kinds of security standards when integrating security approach in new systems. Some government agencies and organizations adopt well-established standards, while some companies make their own private security systems. Storing data Offsite has been beneficial for business to store data on cloud due to storage insufficiency. Devanney, the author of â€Å"Offsite Information Storage: Cloud Computing And Cyber Security Issue† explains that The Department of Justice divides cybercrime into three categories: the computer as target, weapon, and as an accessory (p3). Lost Internet connection can heavily affect those organizations, which use PSA system with the cloud. Devanney also claims that current PSA packages are beginning to partner with ERP in order to create more accessible software. US Department of homeland security has conducted a campaign â€Å" The. .n.ReferencesBailey, T., Kaplan, J. M. , Rezek, C. (2015). Repelling thecyberattackers. Mckinsey Quarterly, (3), 54-63.Department of Homeland Security. Stop. Think. Connect. (2010) Retrieved from, P., Quilliam, W. , DuVal, C. W., Santos, N. .(2016). Offsite Information Storage: Cloud Computing and Cyber Security Issues. Annual International Conference On Accounting Finance, 75-78. doi:10.5176/2251-1997_AF16.37Szoldra, P. (2015). The 9 worst cyber attacks of 2015 Retrievedfrom http://www. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary (2015, January13). Announcement by the President on SECURING CYBERSPACE. Retrieved from